Using sport to gamify data collection

Hunch blends entertainment with unique data collection tools to help you grow, understand and monetise your audience.

Admin Portal showing Football Scores, Creating a sports game and Data collection
Collect Invaluable Customer Data

Capture relevant zero party data, including user behaviour, preferences and sentiments, fostering a deeper understanding of your audience.

Grow and Monetise your Customer Base

Expand your customer base and maximise revenue opportunities through strategic growth and monetisation strategies.

Supercharge Customer Engagement

Elevate connections and fuel brand loyalty with personalised experiences and dynamic interactions.

The Problem

Marketing teams don't have the data they need!

Personalised marketing at scale is the holy grail for the £325bn global Martech industry. However there are significant challenges accessing the data needed to power this ambition.

Increasing concerns around data privacy, policy changes from governments and tech companies, costs / a lack of tools and a lack of value exchange for customers are all hindering marketeers ability to access zero-party data.

Confused Marketeer struggling to understand data
Crowd Scenes with the text 'Start unlocking your audience' data' shown in a separate bubble
The Solution

Hunch gives you the tools to unlock this data

Hunch’s engagement platform builds highly engaging white labelled experiences for brands, gamifying data collection and encouraging users to share highly valuable personal data.

By playing our proprietary, white-labelled prediction games, players become deeply engaged with the games, and consequently, your brand. This means they willingly share data as they answer questions at key stages in the game.

Our Formula

Designed to drive engagement

Refined over tens of thousands of games played, we have built a formula that is highly engaging to players, but remains incredibly simple to play in order to keep the top of the marketing funnel as wide open as possible.

Our free to play games always:

Collect data at scale
Are fully white-labelled
Drive network effects
Feature live data feeds for maximum engagement
Marketing Data collection with people's display pictures being assigned to their answers. Two Questions: 'How long have you had your golf clubs?' and 'How many games do you attend a year?' with their respective answers being 'Less than a year', '1-3 years', '3+ years' for the first question and '15+', '8-14', '0-7' for the second.

Brands we've worked with

Stories From Our Customers


Contact us now to start your journey towards better customer data

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Man on phone with different features around him. Including text saying 'features', 'content', 'contact form' and 'feature'